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TUTORIAL: Finding Genes of Interest DIGITtally

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You start with a  Drosophila melanogaster  tissue, or set of tissues, of interest.

You will then choose...

Path 1 - User Provided Genelist Path 2 - DIGITtally-derived Genelist

You will then choose...

User Provided Genelist selected

User-Supplied Genes

If you have a set of genes you're interested in, DIGITtally will rank them by how "interesting" they are in your tissues.

Genes of interest can be defined using our Gene List Builder

You will then choose...

DIGITtally-Defined Genes

Using FlyAtlas1 and/or FlyAtlas2 data, DIGITtally will create a list of genes which are Enriched in and Specific to your tissues

DIGITtally-derived Genelist selected

We will then use information from any/all of...

Click on a Data Source for a quick explanation!



DataSourceSlice of PieSource Info
FlyAtlas1 11.1 A microarray-based Drosophila melanogaster tissue-specific gene expression database, comprising 18 individual tissues
FlyAtlas211.1An RNA-seq based Drosophila melanogaster sex- and tissue-specific gene expression database, comprising 20 individual tissues
FlyCellAtlas11.1A single-cell RNA-seq based Drosophila melanogaster gene expression atlas. Contains information on 16 individual tissues, and over 250 individual cell types
FlyBase11.1The major repository for Drosophila melanogaster information, containing data from over 113000 individual research papers.
DIOPT11.1The most reliable ortholog ideantifier for model organisms, DIOPT aggregates scores from 17 individual ortholog-finding algorithms to confidently identify orthologs for individual genes
MozAtlas11.1A microarray-based Anopheles gambiae sex- and tissue-specific gene expression database, comprising 8 individual tissues
MozTubules11.1A microarray-based Anopheles gambiae sex-specific Malpighian tubule gene expression database, containing data from Male, Female, Larval and mixed Adult populations
Aegypti-Atlas11.1An RNA-seq based Aedes aegypti tissue-specific gene expression database, comprising 9 individual tissues, including an optional division of the mosquito gut into substructures
SilkDB11.1An RNA-seq based Bombyx mori life-stage and tissue-specific gene expression database, comprising 16 individual tissues. Notably, SilkDB contains expression data from 7 individual silkworm life stages

To score genes based on any/all of...

Click on a Data Source for a quick explanation!



ScoreMetricSlice of PieScore Info
Enrichment16.7Enrichment of each gene in tissues of interest compared to the whole fly
Specificity16.71Whether a gene appears to be specifically expressed or upregulated within the user-defined tissue(s) of interest.
Ubiquity16.7 The extent to which a gene is expressed in all cells defined as cells of interest.
Co-expression16.7Co-expression of genes with a panel of user-submitted Reference Genes.
Known Activity16.7Whether a gene has been demonstrated in the literature to have any role associated with the tissue(s) of interest.
Orthology16.7How well expression patterns in other insect species (A. gambiae, A. aegypti and B. mori) mirror those from Drosophila melanogaster within tissues of interest.                                                                                                        Orthology scores can also take H. sapiens into account, ranking your genes by whether they have an "interesting" human ortholog.

...thus producing an individualised, ranked gene of interest list!

So why not try it out using one of the buttons below?

TUTORIAL: Finding Genes of Interest DIGITtally

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For optimal user experience, the desktop version of DIGITtally is recommended

You start with a Drosophila melanogaster tissue, or set of tissues, of interest.

You will then choose...

Your own Gene List

A DIGITtally-defined Gene List

Press one of the buttons above to learn about how DIGITtally handles Gene Lists, or use the button below to see the next step of the DIGITtally process

We will then use information from any/all of the following Data Sources. Choose one for a description!

Use the dropdown menu to learn more about our Data Sources!

Data from these sources will be used to score genes based on any/all of the following metrics. Choose one for a description!

Use the dropdown menu to learn more about our Scoring Metrics!

...thus producing an individualised, ranked gene of interest list!

So why not try it out using one of the buttons below, or explore the site via the sidebar?

DIGITtally will always be free and open to all users, no login required

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