In addition to our core data sources, DIGITtally can run bespoke analyses on user-uploaded BULK RNAseq expression data.

To take advantage of this feature, we require two files in tab- or comma- separated format (TSV/CSV)

Please click below to learn about these files, or download example versions

Examples are taken from the 2023 update to FlyAtlas2 expression values

The metadata is required to include two columns, "Sample" and "Tissue", for sample IDs and tissues respectively.

The sample IDs must be unique and there may be no empty sample ID fields.

Any tissue including the word "whole" (case insensitive) will be treated as a Whole Fly "tissue" (ignored in specificity analysis and included in enrichment analysis).

Only one wholefly "tissue" is allowed. Providing any additional wholefly "tissues" will overwrite results from the first.

The optional columns "Age" and "Sex" may be used to run the analysis on subsets of the samples.

Age may be stated in days or life stages.

Samples with missing metadata may be exluded from the analysis depending on chosen options.

The first column of the expression matrix must contain gene names and the remaining column headers must be the sample IDs.

The gene expression values may be given in TPM, RPKM, FPKM, or other normalised measure of expression.

There may be sample IDs present in the matrix that are not present in the metadata, however all sample IDs in the metadata must be present in the matrix.